

12月. 14, 2023
3 p.m.

This is areminder that the BG真人大游APP 校董会 will meet in personon Thursday, 12月14日th 下午3点.m. 在JPH会议中心.




  • 财务报道- Richard Stipe
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale


  • 十一月例会纪要
  • Replacement position: Associate Vice President Workforce and Career Initiatives
  • Replacement position: Medical Lab Tech (MLT) Program Director

  • CRMI建议的最终建设预算
  • 选举校董会人员




The BG真人大游APP 校董会 met in regular session on Thursday, 14, 12月ember 2023 在JPH会议中心. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Don Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Pam Henry, Debbie Johnson, and Linda Pledger were present. 

BG真人大游APP personnel attending included Dr. 里克Massengale, Richard Stipe, Brandon Cone, Micki Somers, Dr. Matt Cardin, Mel Klipp, Kris Greening, Jo Adams, Ryan Hoffman, Tavonda Brown, Dr. 罗德尼·阿诺德, Scott McDonald from Harrison Daily Times, 和客人, 克雷格•坎贝尔, Karlea Newberry, 和乔·威利斯.  

Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved. 
财务报告:Richard Stipe分享了E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through November 2023. 

在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe stated the total monthly revenue was $2,845,044, 最后支出是1美元,724,709. The year-to-date total of expenses was $7,080,806. 

Auxiliary: The month's revenue totaled $591,875, and the expenditures totaled $31,336. The revenue does include $261,141 in transfers of activity fees. The year-to-date revenue was $1,400,058, and expenses were $954,086. Mr. Stipe stated the trend line pattern is as expected for this time of year. He said the revenue does include revenue for the Spring semester. Trustee Miller asked about the cause of revenue collected ahead in the charts and trends. Mr. Stipe said Spring enrollment was posted in the system, and some revenue appeared in November instead of October. 

总统报告:艺术家, 理查德·斯蒂芬斯, gave a watercolor demonstration to the students and members of the community. The TRIO program featured BG真人大游APP employees who are first-generation graduates. bg真人游戏注册 employees held a Day of Service, where the group went out in the community to help with the jobs of non-profit organizations.  

Dr. Massengale mentioned the seven floats that participated in the Harrison Christmas Parade. 他说到现在为止, forty-two prospective students for the Spring 2024 Semester from Wabash Industries. Dr. Massengale met with Clinton School District to provide educational opportunities. He congratulated all the Fall 2023 graduates. Dr. Massengale thanked Turner and Lair for their contributions to the bg真人游戏注册基金会. He ended his presentation with an invite to the board of trustees to the Spring 2024 Convocation via Teams on January 4, 2024. 

The 同意议程 included the November regular meeting minutes, 更换位置, Associate VP of Workforce and Career Initiatives, 医学实验室技术项目主管. Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the 同意议程. A motion was made by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Tomlinson, 大家一致同意. 

议程 item: Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Innovation Proposed Final Construction Budget. 

Chair McNew asked Richard Stipe if he had further information. Mr. Stipe shared the background of the Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Innovation project's process. After ongoing adjustments, the final construction budget is ready for approval. He mentioned the pricing does include at least fourteen local sub-contractors pending commitment. He stated that we want as many local businesses as possible to be involved in the project. He said we will physically commence construction once we have the final sign-off from EDA. He noted the sign-off from EDA will not affect the final costs. Chair McNew asked if Richard felt comfortable with the finalizations. Mr. Stipe said no that the process had been extensive.
Chair McNew requested a motion to approve the new business item, Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Innovation Proposed Final Construction Budget. Trustee Miller made a motion, seconded by Henry, 大家一致同意. 

麦克纽主席征求意见. Trustee Miller thanked 克雷格•坎贝尔 for his commitment to this project for the last seven years, 他对CRMI的愿景, 和乔·威利斯, NWAEDD执行主任, for being instrumental with some of the funding and his dedication to the CRMI project. Chair McNew thanked both men for their involvement in the CRMI project. 

议程 item: Recommendation of 校董会 Election of Officers 

Chari McNew任命了受托人Johnson, 纽曼, 也是选举委员会主席, 受托人Feighert. Trustee Johnson recommended Trustee Linda Pledger as Chairman, 受托人唐·汤姆林森担任副主委, and Trustee Pam Henry as Secretary-Treasurer. Chair McNew opened for additional recommendations, with none; a motion was made by Trustee Johnson, 受托人米勒附议, 大家一致同意. 

在会议结束时,主席. Massengale presented a plaque to Chair McNew for his service as Chairman of 2023. He thanked Trustee McNew for his service and passion for bg真人游戏注册. 

Chair McNew passed the gavel to the 2024 chairman, Trustee Pledger. 

Chair Pledger adjourned the meeting at 3:26 p.m. 

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